To sleep, perchance to dream, of knitting.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

50 cups of coffee and you know it's on!

Well, maybe not 50. tho it might go well with the 50 eggs i ate at easter. dude, so many eggs. And only i like them, so there are always a lot leftover. I use the receipe out of the WWF cookbook, but i put a pinch of wasabi in, and sea salt, and the seasoned rice wine vinnegar. but i do so love that cookbook! It really is great for just basic non-fooodie-ized chow. basic grub. yum.

this past weekend we watched Camelot, and the little boy's favourite line was when Authur was bringing Lancelot to meet the peeps at the May Day party. Lancelot questions to propreity of using knights to gather flowers and do other frivilous things, then Arthur says "Well, someone's got to do it!" The little boy just cracked up! We played it over and over this week.

After Camelot, the Husband and i watched SAW and SAW II. eh. whatevah. i was expecting a horror film, but it was an o.k. thriller dealy. better than Se7en, anyway. But the really good thing was the making and almost finishing of this, my first lace sock:

by the time i got to the park to sneak in a little bit of knitting whilst the little boy was playing with a new found pal, young master C., and the baby was sleeping, i had only the toe remaining. shweeeeet! but, sadly, not my size. i have to find some Cinderella for these fog lace socks. that and invent a decrease system that makes the lace look not too shabby. it's just a fan and feather variant of my own akward ignoring of the pattern design accident. ah well.

any takers? i think it's a size 9/10.... but will i ever make the second? it's such an obstacle!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


this crazyness is a gift of merino, wool, and 20% acrylic from the devine Ms. R, who on her return from Guatamala showed up on my doorstep with this, a rainbow mouse backpack for the boy, a black and white checked scarf for the husband, and a killer pleated apron with fab black rickrack trim for moi! two presents in one day! hoooooray! it's a nutso kind of pink that ocassionally looks purple. i find it confusing and compelling. but what to make with it? I am thinking on making Doctor Steve's Sock-shaped Assistant, Fidgert!

TARDIS cozy????

well, not really, but it is difficult to keep thinking up headings every time i post something here. a vexation! a bother! but here is the progress on Doctor Scarf:

Saturday, April 15, 2006

After 27 years.....

The doctor who scarf is on! Casted on! yeah, baby!

First, I bought some nice burgandy, sage, and orange. the orange is a bit too orange for my tastes, but i am trying to move beyond my usual 'bruise pallate' of colours. It's a start. I went to the fabulous doctor who scarf website, printed a pic. of my favourite scarf, and am using it loosely for reference.

Then i wound the skeins into balls using the classic two chairs method. No, my child is useless for these things. sad, really.

And then i sat down, watched the 'Dalek' episode, and got only so very little of the way in. I am making a very narrow version, only 23 stitches wide. just about 4 inches. I fifgure that was my great failing when i was six. Trying to make a 17 foot long, 8 inch wide ba-heeeemooth! now i am going for long skinny. i hope to get to ten feet, but i am not going to torture myself with it. Also, i don't have time for these shennanigans. My knitting time is at an absolute premium. It's down to chosing between that or sleep. Food is off the table, litteraly. I'm back to eating straight out of the fridge when i get a moment. bad bad bad.

I am also deviating from pattern in doing slipped edges, because raw edges offend me deeply.
sorry. They just do. A pox on the non-selvedged edge. nyah.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Time thyme

Not much time for the knitting lately, or for cooking. The new job is really absorbing any thoughts of sideprojects. But i did get a few stolen rows in on the little boy's new pair of socks


Done in Regia 4 fach haltbar! it's got great Waschmaschinenfest, and besonders strapazierfahig! Ja, ist gut.

Monday, April 03, 2006

What we talk about when we talk about knitting.

It's schools! Surprise! I got to be a fly on the wall at a knitting group for parents of a private school in Berkeley. My kid and the hostesses' kid were having a playdate at the same time the knitters were gathering downstairs. I met my Evil Twin there, or I should say, she met me. I am her Evil Twin. We had the same coat, were knitting the same project, and both had the same name with the manly spelling, not the girly spelling. And just to complete the evilness, I was wearing my "I Am The Evil Twin" shirt.

So very evil.

I've never been to a knitting group before, usually I hang with my pal R, or M. In fact, the only reason M. knits is because R and I (but mostly R) converted her. Now she's a fiend! UN-stoppable! More dog sweaters than a dog has any right to. There was very little talk about knitting, but it was rather facinating to hear 'behind the scenes' as it were, of this particular school. Not that I have anything to do with the shool. Or even knew of it or the plethora of others even existed before then. It's a whole new world.

I got an excellent cappuchino made for my by the hostesses' husband, and a jammy muffin of some kind. The boys played fantastically together, and I knitted a fair piece of the Clapotis.
then I went home and watched Doom on the pay-per-view, sinking comfortably back down to a lower social status. YEAH! THE FRICKIN' ROCK, DUDE!