To sleep, perchance to dream, of knitting.

Monday, April 03, 2006

What we talk about when we talk about knitting.

It's schools! Surprise! I got to be a fly on the wall at a knitting group for parents of a private school in Berkeley. My kid and the hostesses' kid were having a playdate at the same time the knitters were gathering downstairs. I met my Evil Twin there, or I should say, she met me. I am her Evil Twin. We had the same coat, were knitting the same project, and both had the same name with the manly spelling, not the girly spelling. And just to complete the evilness, I was wearing my "I Am The Evil Twin" shirt.

So very evil.

I've never been to a knitting group before, usually I hang with my pal R, or M. In fact, the only reason M. knits is because R and I (but mostly R) converted her. Now she's a fiend! UN-stoppable! More dog sweaters than a dog has any right to. There was very little talk about knitting, but it was rather facinating to hear 'behind the scenes' as it were, of this particular school. Not that I have anything to do with the shool. Or even knew of it or the plethora of others even existed before then. It's a whole new world.

I got an excellent cappuchino made for my by the hostesses' husband, and a jammy muffin of some kind. The boys played fantastically together, and I knitted a fair piece of the Clapotis.
then I went home and watched Doom on the pay-per-view, sinking comfortably back down to a lower social status. YEAH! THE FRICKIN' ROCK, DUDE!


Blogger Miss Tonia said...

I love The Rock. Was that movie good? I haven't seen it yet. Oh, and for the plum tree, you won't be able to tell until the fruit developes. They have an every-other-year fruit cycle, and must have another type of fruit tree near by to cross pollenate, unless it's a Prune Plum, it'll self pollenate. Also, if you want a good yeild on the fruitation years, you'll want to put out Japanese beelte traps, to keep them from eating your plums. On the down year, you may get about a dozen or so plums. Over the weekend, my mom's got a ton of little white blossoms, so this will be a good year.

6:01 AM


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