Olympic wrap-up
Ok, so here are the results of my missguided frenzy:
One pair of Husband Socks.
One pair of Little Boy Socks.
One hat for Little Boy I Babysit for on Tuesdays.
One Little Boy sock to the gusset.
Two t-shirts decorated in olympic logos for beijing
One knitted uterus, pocket size.
One Sister Scarf.
One Bird's Eye Shawl Swatch.
and had forgotten that they were at the bottom of the stash. Yes, lovely 100% silk that i picked up for pennies at a bargin bin. Yes it does very closely resemble infant feeces. Very closely indeed. This should not have stopped me, rather, it should have spurred me on to overcome my BodeMiller like over hyping and knit a very chic scarf or clapotis to gift upon some person. Gift with guilt. Can you just imagine the conversation?
"oh, uh.....how lovely.....You knit this for me?" Giftee holds object at some distance from self. Apperance of diaper contents unmisstakable.
"Yes! Just for you especially. It is 100% silk from Torino Italy. Very precious." Knitter nods emphatically with wide eyes and heavy sigh.
"oh-uh...oh." Giftee thinks of where in closet this thing may be hidden.
This photo does not do justice to the depth and richness of the babypoo qualities possesed by this yarn. Only meeting it in person can truly convey the, 'oh my, who's dirty nappy has spilled onto your needles!?!" effect that it has.