Friday April 25th, 2008
Bogger is being a punkass, and not letting me upload pictures of my recent 'triumph'; a multicoloured sock that gave me grey hairs as i knitted it. Srsly, holding one strand of yarn in each hand was at times beyond my tiny self. But to switch back and forth with only my left hand was ungodly slow.
here be the socks in question.....
and mine are all puckered and tight, cause i knit so damn tight anyway. I was thinking the whole time of my friend L-'s hat that she made, with the lovely soft floats of yarn carried over on the WS, and it's soft stretchableness. these socks will be sure to constrict the extremities of whatever child will be cursed with them. The child in question was to be the ninja-to-be, but the socks are just too big for her for at least a couple of years. I can't frog this mess because of all the little strands i will be left with, and the yarn is really very soft, siiiigh. well, i'll just cast on the next sock, see what happens, and if i have to get another kit some time in the future so i can get (hopefully) a pair of socks that are wearable.
Knit in Public day is coming up, so look busy! Also? it's the same day as the norcal pirate festival, so look drunk, too.