To sleep, perchance to dream, of knitting.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

July 24, 2007. A tuesday

the Golden Compass and it's two companions, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass have been on my favourties list since i got them for pre-Xmas 1999. It was intended that I read them durring my 'maternity leave', but i finished them before jr. arrived, hahahaha! There was no way I could wait, even though Mr. Baby sure took his sweet time, punk!

So now that he is approaching his seventh birthday, i am thinking on bringing him to see the Golden Compass movie with me, but i'm not sure. He may poo twinkies. Best we stick to the book, most likely....

Anyway, we went and got our deamons, and the first one i got was Mrs. Coulter's golden monkey! Little boy freaked right the frak out, and told me to re-take the test. So i backed off a bit, yeah? Not so aggro! and i got this:

I'm so flippin' goth. ugh.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

2007 July (the ninth) Sunday

My scanner still hates me and gives me sass. I took the this picture of the Seal of Rassilon chart with the camera, and it came out rather crappily. But, the chart is done and ready for a test drive. Anyone need a washcloth that gives the owner of it regenerations? Of course, we all know that with Gallifrey gone, those artifacts probably don't work. Yes, we ALL know. Because we are ALL sci-fi nerds. Yes, yes we are.

The Fidgert Sock Puppet is nearly done. Instead of just making an over-sized sock, i have thought that it might be an interesting thing to knit a puppet mouth for it in the foot of the sock. Much like the dragon mittens featured in Stich-n-Bitch. I had a pair of mittens very similar when i was a kid, knit by the moms.

The Clementine Shawl is complete! It will be gifted to the Sister-in-Law on her bridal shower, i think. If i can possibly wait that long. I do not think i can.

Now to go watch more Farscape dvds and cry about the total lack of Dr. Who untill Christmas, and the same for Battlestar Galactica.


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

2007 July (the third) Tuesday

So everyone seems to have one, and of course I want one as well. Here is my little corner's rating:

Online Dating

Mingle2 - Online Dating

Apparently i need to stop discussing my love of a certain book.